These documents provide detailed guidance about how we inspect probation services. We first published these documents in 2018; we have refreshed them in July 2019 to incorporate feedback from our four-week consultation and learnings from the first year of our inspection cycle.

Rules and guidance

The rules and guidance assists inspectors to make their judgements against our standards. Domain one looks at the organisational delivery (leadership, staff, services, information and facilities). Documents relating to case assessment guidance in domains two and three will be added shortly.

Domain one rules and guidance (CRC and NPS) (PDF, 691 kB)

Domain two case assessment rules and guidance (CRC and NPS) (PDF, 513 kB)

Domain three case assessment rules and guidance (CRC) (PDF, 545 kB)

Domain three case assessment rules and guidance (NPS) (PDF, 290 kB)

Unpaid work case assessment rules and guidance (CRC) (PDF, 516 kB)

Guidance manual

To assist the services that we inspect we have produced a guidance manual. It provides an overview and details all the stages of an inspection, including what happens before, during and after an inspection. It also details how we report our findings.

Probation Inspection Manual External (PDF, 789 kB)

Report glossary

Probation inspection glossary of terms (PDF, 207 kB)