Below are the documents and guides that assisted us in our Quality & Impact inspection programme. The model showed our approach, our framework provided a structure to how we inspect effectiveness and the case assessment guidance was our manual for making judgements when inspecting.


Inspection model

Our model showed our approach to inspecting adult probation services.

The approach made sure that we paid adequate attention during fieldwork week activity to the quality of practice within a wide sample of cases, comprising practice inspections and fuller case reviews.

The approach also got to the heart of whether adult probation services are effective through examining both the quality of practice and the impact of what had been delivered.


Inspection framework

The framework provided a structure for inspectors to assess effectiveness against a number of outcomes which measured whether: reoffending was reduced; the public was protected from harm; and individuals abided by their sentence. Quality was assessed against four practice themes: service user engagement; assessment and planning; delivering interventions; and reviewing progress. We also looked at leadership, management and partnership working, and evaluated the positive impact achieved in relation to each element.


Case assessment guidance

The case assessment guidance assisted inspectors in making judgements about the extent to which service delivery in general, and specific practice in each case,  contributed to achieving outcomes with those who had offended.


Contact us

If you have any queries or would like to talk to us about our inspections of adult probation services then we would love to hear from you:

Programme Lead: Helen Rinaldi, HM Assistant Chief Inspector -0161 240 5336

For general enquiries, please see our contact us page.