
Arrival and early days in detention

Families travelling to and arriving at the centre are treated with respect and care. Risks are identified and acted on. Families are supported on their first night and given an effective induction. They are welcomed into safe and decent conditions. Due regard is given to the specific needs of children.

Find out more about our expectations for arrival and early days in detention.

Safeguarding adults and personal safety

The centre promotes the welfare of families and protects them from all kinds of harm and neglect and reduces the risk of self-harm and suicide. Families are protected from bullying and victimisation and the use of force is proportionate to the need to keep detainees safe. Force is never used against children unless it is to protect them or others from immediate harm.

Find out more about our expectations for adults and personal safety.

Safeguarding children

The centre promotes the welfare of children and protects them from all kinds of harm and neglect.

Find out more about our expectations for safeguarding children.

Legal rights

Parents are fully aware of and understand their detention, following their arrival at the centre and on release. Parents are supported by the centre staff to freely exercise their legal rights.

Find out more about our expectations for legal rights.

Leadership and management of safety

Safety outcomes for detainees are supported by effective leadership and management.

Find out more about our expectations for leadership and management of safety.