Children are effectively helped to prepare for their release back into the community and to reduce the likelihood of reoffending.

Children, families and contact with the outside world

Managers support children in establishing and maintaining contact with families, including corporate parents, and other sources of support in the community. Community partners drive training and remand planning and families are involved in all major decisions about detained children.

Find out more about our expectations for children, families and the outside world.

Pre-release and resettlement

Planning for a child’s release or transfer starts on their arrival at the establishment. Resettlement underpins the work of the whole establishment, supported by partnerships in the community and informed by assessment of children’s risk and need. Ongoing planning ensures a seamless transition into the community.

Find out more about our expectations for pre-release and resettlement.

Training planning and remand management

All children have a training or remand management plan which is based on an individual assessment of risk and need. Relevant staff work collaboratively with children and their parents or carers in drawing up and reviewing their plans. The plans are reviewed regularly and implemented throughout and after children’s time in custody to ensure a smooth transition to the community.

Find out more about our expectations for training planning and remand management.

Reintegration planning

Children’s resettlement needs are addressed prior to release. An effective multi-agency response is used to meet the specific needs of each individual child to maximise the likelihood of successful reintegration into the community.

Find out more about our expectations for reintegration planning.


Children can access interventions designed to promote successful rehabilitation.

Find out more about our expectations for interventions.